1 Self- Enroll Portal
Click on the How to Enroll tab
Click on the red Enroll Now button to login
Enter Login and PIN - Your login is your social security number, no dashes (123456789).
Your pin is the last four digits of your social security number and the last two digits of your birth year (678977).
2 Phone Appointment
Schedule a one-on-one phone appointment with our FFGA Account Manager, Marissa Wenning.
For your convenience, appointments are available outside regular school hours.
Use this link to schedule your time:
or email her directly:
3 In Person
You can visit with your benefits team in person.
Regular Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00a – 5:00p.
Summer Office Hours
Monday-Wednesday 7:30a – 5:30p
Thursday 7:30a – 5:00p
Friday Closed