State & Federal Programs

Leigh Ann Lynch
Director of State & Federal Programs
Phone: 361-788-9294 ext. 41116

Valerie Rojas
State & Federal Programs Secretary
Phone: 361-788-9294 ext. 41115

Belinda Mettey
State & Federal Programs Clerk
Phone: 361-788-9294 ext. 41126
Through collaborations with campuses, VISD departments, families and community organizations, the Victoria ISD State and Federal Programs Department is committed to enriching the education of VISD students. The major initiatives of the department include:
Title I Campus Programs
Instructional Coaches
Interventionists and Enrichment Specialists
Parent & Family Engagement
Title I and Title II Professional Development Initiatives
Instructional Coaches
Consultants and Trainers
Conferences and Special Events
Professional Learning Communities
Early Childhood Programs
Parents as Teachers
VISD Prekindergarten
Family & KIDZConnection Center
Parent Resource Room & Toddler Time
Homeless Services
Foster Care Services
Department staff members work closely with campuses and district staff to utilize the following funding sources to enhance instruction in the district through federal grants:
Title I, Part A: The purpose of Title I, A funding is to provide additional resources to schools to ensure that all children are provided a high quality education that will enable them to exceed performance standards. Fourteen VISD campuses and three private schools (Nazareth Academy, Our Lady of Victory, and The Vine School) within the VISD currently receive Title I, Part A funds.
Title I, Part D: Title I, D funds are utilized to supplement educational programs for students residing at the Victoria Regional Juvenile Justice Center. The Juvenile Justice Center (JJC) Transition Mentor facilitates the successful transition of delinquent youth entering, between, or out of secure settings to support education or employment.
Title II, Part A: Funds awarded under Title II, Part A are utilized to provide high quality professional development and support for all VISD principals and teachers. Five private schools are also supported by these federal funds (Faith Academy, Nazareth Academy, Our Lady of Victory, St. Joseph High School, and The Vine School).
Title III, Part A: Title III, Part A provides supplemental resources to ensure that children who are English language learners (ELLs), also identified in statute as limited English proficient (LEP), attain English proficiency at high levels in core academic subjects to meet state mandated achievement performance standards.
Title IV, Part A: The goal of Title IV, Part A is to provide all students access to a well rounded education, improve academic outcomes by maintaining safe and healthy students, and improve the use of technology to advance student academic achievement. Five private schools are also supported by these federal funds (Faith Academy, Nazareth Academy, Our Lady of Victory, St. Joseph High School, and The Vine School).
State Compensatory Education:
The goal of the State Compensatory Education Program (State Comp. Ed., Comp, Ed., SCE) is to provide funding to reduce disparity in performance on assessment instruments or disparity in the rates of high school completion between educationally disadvantaged students, at-risk students, and all other students. The purpose of the SCE program is to increase academic achievement and reduce the dropout rate for these students by providing supplemental programs and services.
Victoria ISD identifies students as At-Risk if they qualify under one of the 14 statewide indicators.
The following At-Risk services are planned to be offered on campuses:
Juvenile Justice Center provides the education for youth in short term detention or long term placement imposed through the Texas Youth Commission
Liberty Academy Credit Recovery supports students who are behind in credits required for graduation
District Alternative Education Placement (DAEP) provides behavior modification supports along with focused academic instruction and supports transitioning back onto the campus
Project Success Program for students qualifying as McKinney-Vento to monitor student performance on state assessments, graduation rates, attendance, retention rates and withdrawals
Pregnancy Related Services Program supports students as they adjust mentally, physically and academically
Prekindergarten builds a strong School Ready foundation
Project Success Mentors champion students experiencing homelessness
Student Success Program provides resources for At-Risk students experiencing attendance concerns
Targeted Interventions for students not meeting readiness and supporting standards on district common assessments
Courses for students recovering course credits
Intervention courses for students not meeting readiness and supporting standards
Host Program at Hopkins Elementary promotes supportive home environments thus aiding student academic success
ACE Program at O’Connor Elementary provides extended day academic supports
Social Emotional Behavioral Specialists at nine campuses support the whole child to be academically successful
Professional Development in serving At-Risk Students
A.V.I.D. program implementation
Student performance monitoring
Summer instruction for students needing to recover credits/state assessment remediation
State Compensatory Education Campus Contacts:
Aloe Elementary
Kristina Hurley, Principal
Crain Elementary
Yasmina St. Jean, Principal
Dudley Elementary
Holly Birmingham, Assistant Principal
Mission Valley Elementary
Mandi Prichard, Principal
Rowland Elementary
Kim Martinez, Principal
Shields Elementary
Kelly Gabrysch, Principal
Torres Elementary
Crystal Rice, Principal
Cade Middle School
Genevieve Beyer, Instructional Coach
Patti Welder Middle School
Natalie Abrameit, Principal
Victoria East High School
Suzann Craeger, Assistant Principal
Liberty Academy/Liberty Elem/Sec DAEP
Christopher Henk, Dean of Operations
Chandler Elementary
Melanie Steed, Principal
Deleon Elementary
Jennifer McIntyre, Principal /Jennifer Garnett, Assistant Principal
Hopkins Elementary
Leandra Hill, Principal/Sherry Pelkey, Assistant Principal
O’Connor Elementary
L'Rhonda Boyd, Assistant Principal
Schorlemmer Elementary
Elizabeth Chandler, Principal
Smith STEM/Smith Elementary
Tiffany Absher, Principal
Vickers Elementary
Troy White, Principal
Howell Middle School
Claire Klinkerman, Assistant Principal
Stroman STEM/Stroman Middle School
Wendy Wachtel, Assistant Principal
Victoria West High School
Heather Mascorro, Assistant Principal
Victoria Regional JJC
Kristine Martin, JJC Administrator