Welcome to the Career & Technical Education Department
Preparing today's students for tomorrow's opportunities.
Mission: VISD's Career and Technical Education programs collaborate with business, industry, and higher education to combine academics, workplace knowledge, and the skills that are essential to prepare the future workforce to succeed in an ever-changing global economy.
Vision: The goal of VISD's Career and Technical Education programs is for all students to be prepared for successful entry in the workforce or post-secondary education.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is an educationally powerful way of learning academic, technical skills and concepts with real-world, hands-on experiences. In VISD, CTE programming offers a wide variety of Programs of Study with options for many career opportunities that prepares students to be college and career ready by providing core academic skills, employability skills, and technical, job-specific skills. In addition, CTE programs offer students the opportunity to earn industry-recognized certifications which allow for a seamless transition into the workforce. These certifications and training can assist students to obtain a job that could pay for college or start a career straight out of high school.
The CTE Department offers eighteen programs of study in eleven different career clusters. Each program of study was developed following TEA frameworks, program offerings, local/state labor market data including projected job growth and annual job openings, training opportunities, industry-based certifications, teacher feedback, and CTE Advisory Committee suggestions.
CTE Course Enrollment: Students who request CTE courses will be scheduled into courses according to the process and procedures of VISD Counseling Department. Eligible students are students who have completed all prerequisites for the course. For CTE courses at the secondary campuses, student selection is generated by the VISD eSchoolPlus student management information system. Student selection for CTE courses located at the Career and Technology Institute may be determined using a lottery selection.

Dena Justice
CTE Director
361.788.9288 ext.33604 dena.justice@visd.net

Andrea Prihoda Pope
CTI Principal and CTE Career Readiness Specialist
361.788.9288 ext. 33119 andrea.prihodapope@visd.net

Ashley Jimenez
CTE Curriculum Coord./IC
361.788.9288 ext. 33619 ashley.jimenez@visd.net

Stephanie Rokyta
CTE Secretary
361.788.9288 ext. 33601 stephanie.rokyta@visd.net