Bus Rider Guidelines
The goal of the Transportation Department is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for students who ride school buses. Parents should take time to read and discuss the Transportation section of the Student Handbook with their children. Riding a school bus is a privilege provided by the school district and should be treated as such.
Students are expected to assist district staff in ensuring that transportation is provided safely and that buses remain in good condition.
Students at the bus stop:
Should be at the designated bus stop five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
Must be aware of and stay out of the “Danger Zone” areas around the school bus. The “Danger Zone” is a 10-foot area around the bus on all sides. Students waiting to get on the bus should stay far enough away from the bus so the student can clearly see the bus driver’s face. If a student cannot see the driver, the driver cannot see the student.
Students boarding and riding the school bus:
Must refrain from pushing or horsing around while getting on or off the bus.
Must follow the driver’s directions at all times.
Must go directly to their assigned seat.
Must use a hearing device (headphones) when using electronic devices while riding the school bus i.e. cell phones, radios, games, etc.
Must never throw or pass objects to anyone inside or outside the bus.
Must enter the bus in an orderly manner at the designated stop.
Must not allow large objects (like back packs, musical instruments or athletic equipment) to block the aisles or emergency exits.
Must remain seated and face forward.
Must never stick their head, hands, arms or objects through the windows.
Must not damage or vandalize the school bus or its equipment.
Must not possess or use any form of tobacco or electronic cigarettes in any district vehicle.
Must fasten the seat belt, if available.
Students exiting the school bus:
Must refrain from pushing or horsing around while exiting the bus.
Must move out of and away from the bus as soon as departing the bus.
Must wait for the driver’s signal when exiting the bus before crossing in front of it.
Students are encouraged to report nuisance or bullying behaviors that occur at bus stops and on the bus. Reports should be made to the driver or by utilizing the Incident Reporting Form available at www.visd.net and in school offices.
Misconduct will be punished in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct; the privilege to ride in a district vehicle, including a school bus, may be suspended or revoked.
School Bus Danger Zones:
What are "Danger Zones"? They are the areas surrounding the bus where children are hard to see. We want your children to be safe when they travel to and from school.
The most dangerous time for a student who rides the school bus is during the loading and unloading process. Therefore, it is critical that students are visible to the driver and out of the bus danger zones when the bus is in motion.
Please help us by:
If your student misses the bus at their regular stop, do not follow the bus to the next stop.
Do not let your child walk/run beside the bus to get on as the driver cannot see the student in the Danger Zone, especially if it is dark.
Make children stay at least 10 feet away from the bus until they begin to enter. Children will be able to see the driver and the driver can see them.
If children must cross the street to the bus, they should cross the street 10 feet (5 giant steps) in front of the bus where they can see the driver and the driver can see them.
Warn the children that, if they drop something, they should never pick it up. Instead, they should tell the driver and follow the driver's instructions. If they bend over to pick up a dropped object, they might not be seen by the driver and could be hurt if the driver pulls away from the stop.
Remind children to look to the right before they step off the bus. Car drivers in a hurry sometimes try to sneak by the bus on the right-hand side.
Teach your child to secure loose drawstrings and other objects that may get caught in the handrail or door of the bus as they are exiting.
If you meet your child at the bus stop after school, wait on the side where the child will be dropped off, not across the street. Children can be so excited at seeing you after school that they may dash across the street and forget the safety rules.