INVISTA Wetlands

The INVISTA Wetland has a rich history and is a place where teachers can bring students to conduct the hands-on investigations that are now required by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or TEKS. The state has mandated that each student receive forty percent of his or her science instruction during laboratory experiences. The 4th-12th grade TEKS have been correlated with the Wetland Curriculum to ensure trips to the Wetland are for educational purposes and not just for site seeing or student rewards.
While in the Wetland, students will participate in a Wetland Environmental Science Education Encounter. During the encounter students could find, observe, and identify plants and animals in the wetland.
The INVISTA Wetland provides an entire ecosystem that is rich in diversity and concentration of species. Lessons available at the Wetland Education Center that correlate with the TEKS include:
Soil Dynamics
Water Chemistry
Water Chemistry
Animal Tracks & Signs
The Study of Flora
The Application of the Scientific Method