Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

SEL Vision
VISD is committed to a Social Emotional Learning culture that encompasses accountability and acceptance. We will provide a safe and inclusive environment for students and adults fostering lifelong skills of perseverance, emotional awareness, and self-confidence, so they will become productive members of their communities.
Our Mission
We are committed to educating the whole child and ensuring that every student and family feel supported, safe, healthy, engaged, and challenged.
Stronger Connections Grant Survey
Our school is participating in the Stronger Connections grant, with a goal to strengthen the school climate and culture and provide additional services and support to students. An online anonymous school climate survey will be administered at our school in the coming weeks. The survey will collect responses from students, staff, and parents to questions related to school relationships, engagement, bullying, substance use, teaching, and the school environment. This information will be used to guide us in promoting a healthy school environment for students to learn at our school. The survey is voluntary and will be given in classrooms during school hours by our teachers. It is expected to take about 10 to 20 minutes to complete. In order to encourage truthful answers to the questions and to assure each student's privacy, no student names will be written on the survey or in any way linked with the students' responses to the survey questions. Student responses will be anonymous. You are also invited and encouraged to complete the School Climate Survey. Your input is important in promoting and maintaining school climate. Similar to the student surveys, this survey will include questions about your experiences with different aspects of your school’s educational environment, such as relationships with school staff, communication, teaching, safety, and opportunities to be involved in the school. Our goal is to evaluate strengths and identify areas of improvement at our child’s school in order to help make Texas schools the best they can be for students, families, and staff. Beginning November 7, 2024, all students and families at your child’s school will be invited to complete the anonymous School Climate Survey.
We hope you will agree to permit your son/daughter to share their opinions about their school. Beginning November 7, 2024 - November 22, 2024 all students and families at your child’s school will be invited to complete the anonymous School Climate Survey. If you would like to review the student survey, please contact Cindy Salinas or Amy Shimek.

Cindy Salinas
District MTSS Director
Phone: 361.788.2891 ext. 41125