Victoria East High School’s Golden Saber Dance Team has partnered with Texas A&M University College Stations’ Dance Science Department for their 8-week research study, “the Impact of a Conditioning Program on High School dance Teams,” taking place from August 29 to October 24.
The purpose of the study is to expand the amount of research on high school dance and drill teams and to investigate the impact that a conditioning program would have on a high school dancer’s overall level of fitness and injury rate.
“I'm excited to have this opportunity to partner with TAMU, because the goal is to lessen injuries to dance team students, meaning a healthier team overall,” said Misty Calvez, Golden Saber Dance Team director. “The professors and college dancers are great to work with, and it is nice to have research done on our specific needs. Dance is hard on the body and can lead to life-long chronic injuries like any other sport, and to strengthen to prevent these is our goal.”
Being able to participate in this study will not only be an important experience for Golden Saber dancers, but also an opportunity to learn new practices to best protect themselves from injuries that can occur in dance.
In the initial session on August 22 , the VEHS dancers filled out a questionnaire, participated in a screen test in eight different stations, and then went through a 20 minute cardio exercise to test heart rate and endurance. The tests featured balance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory fitness, and strength. The entire session was monitored by the A&M research team to ensure that proper safety protocols were followed during testing, movement phases, and the conditioning program.
The 8-week conditioning program began after the initial session in week one. Twice a week during the 8-weeks, the dancers will participate in 15 minute sessions over Zoom. The Zoom sessions will also be led by the A&M research team to monitor and ensure that proper alignment and safety practices are followed during the exercises in the conditioning program.