As we proudly celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Victoria Independent School District, it is imperative to recognize the indispensable contributions of various departments that have evolved alongside the district since its establishment in 1898.
While teachers often take the spotlight in any school system, it is essential to acknowledge the significant role played by non-teaching staff members in maintaining the district’s smooth operation. The VISD Maintenance Department has been a cornerstone in ensuring the efficient functioning and maintenance of the district’s campuses and facilities, directly impacting the quality of education students receive.
In the early days of the school district, the concept of a maintenance department was non-existent. Surprisingly, the sentiment among Victoria’s citizens was so strong against a school maintenance tax that it wasn’t until 1906 that such a tax was finally approved.
Fast forward to 1968, and the Maintenance Department comprised approximately 38 staff members, each with specialized job descriptions and responsibilities. They served plumbers, field electricians, electronics specialists, heating experts, refrigeration technicians, painters, heavy equipment operators, garage mechanics, welders, carpenters, and more. These dedicated individuals played a pivotal role in campus and district facilities, contributing to the installation of chalkboards, electrical connections, storage shelves, cabinets, and even the aluminum bleachers in the then-new football stadium.
Today, the VISD Maintenance Department boasts about 75 employees skilled in various crafts. The department employs qualified carpenters, painters, plumbers, landscapers, air conditioning technicians, electricians, and more. Notably, during the 2022-23 school year, a remarkable 11,588 work orders were efficiently completed. As of December 1, 2023, the current school year has already seen the completion of 2,572 work orders, showcasing their unwavering commitment to school maintenance.
Spanning over 606 square miles, Victoria ISD encompasses 821 acres of land housing campuses, facilities, athletic fields, and agricultural farms.
The growth and evolution of the Maintenance Department serve as a testament to VISD’s unwavering commitment to providing a safe and conducive learning environment for countless generations of students. The department continues to play a vital role in ensuring the schools are safe, functional, and conducive to learning. Through diligent efforts, the maintenance department has been instrumental in the district’s success and will undoubtedly continue to do so in the years to come.