New Student Registration Information
Enrollment Documents Required for New Students
To enroll a child in school, it is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian to complete enrollment using the online registration system and to provide the following documents to the school:
Proof of Residency (verified by District personnel)—recent utility bill (electric, gas, water or trash) from last 30 days showing the residential service address; rental lease agreement; recent rent receipts; or home purchase contract.
Parent/Guardian's Government Photo Identification (valid driver’s license or state-issued identification card)
Student identification to verify student's identity (one of the following):
Birth Certificate
Hospital Birth Record
School ID card, records, or report card from school most recently attended.
Military ID
Adoption Records
Church Baptismal Record
Any other legal document that establishes identity
Child's current immunizations records signed by a doctor
In the case of a student entering the District from another state or country outside the United States, proof of immunization will be required at the time of admittance.
For more information about required immunizations, see or call Health Services at 361-788-9331 or click to view immunization requirements.
Social Security Card (optional)
If the student does not have a Social Security number, VISD will assign a state-approved alternative student identification number.
School records from the school most recently attended by the child - (if available)
Any court order in existence that pertains to the child - (as applicable)
Proof of Eligibility - (only for state-funded pre-k students)
Power of Attorney (POA)—only required if student lives with someone other than his/her parent/legal guardian
Determination of Residency (DOR)—only required if parent and student live with someone else at their residence.
Although enrollment shall not be denied solely on the basis of failure to provide these records, the District shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agency before the 31st day after the person fails to comply.
NOTE: Furnishing false information is a criminal offense under Penal Code 37.10.
Enrolling at the Appropriate Campus
Although there are some exceptions, a student is required to attend the school appropriate for the student's grade level and within the attendance zone in which the student's parent/guardian resides (see "Attendance Zones"). Proof of residency will be requested and reviewed to determine whether a student is eligible for admission at that school and if not, then the parent will be instructed as to which school the child must enroll at. Reference FDB-R.
The exceptions are as follows:
District Approved Transfers (as outlined in the section entitled "Student Transfers")
Homeless Students (more information found at "Family & KIDZConnection Center") TEC 25.001 (b)(5):
Students qualifying as homeless may attend their school of origin or their neighborhood school in accordance with FDC(LEGAL). Students who meet the ESSA definition of "homeless" [McKinney-Vento Act 42 U.S.C. 11435(2)] have the right to enroll in school immediately, even if they do not have required documents, such as school records, medical records, proof of residency, or other documents. The school shall immediately contact the last school attended to obtain relevant academic and other records. If the child needs to obtain immunization, or immunization or medical records, the enrolling school shall immediately refer the child's parent or guardian to the District's homeless liaison for assistance. If a family must relocate, parents/guardians of students in homeless situations can keep their child enrolled in the school of origin OR enroll at the neighborhood school assigned to that school attendance area. Students can stay in their school of origin the entire time they are homeless and until the end of any academic year in which they move to permanent housing. For more information, please contact your school's parent liaison or call the District Homeless Liaison at 361.788.9909.
Students Enrolled in Violation of Board Policy A student who enrolls in a school other than the one that serves the student's attendance zone without an approved transfer OR falsely as a homeless student shall be subject to immediate return to the designated neighborhood campus.