1st Services Preview

1st Services Preview 2

If your child is a first grader in VISD Gifted services this year, some project based learning that they will participate in includes:

*Hand Pollinators-In this unit, students get to explore insects and plants and apply agricultural engineering to solve a pollination problem. (Engineering Is Elementary)

*Worm's Eye View- students will integrate science, fine arts, and English language arts by creating a book that reflects their soil studies. (TPSP)

*Where In the World Is Your Neighborhood-This project involves using mapping skills, specifically landmarks, street names, cardinal directions and utilizing a map key. (STEM)

*Improving the PlayDoh Process-students investigate mixtures and use chemical engineering.​

*Animal Nation-Students will study different animals to learn about their basic needs and ecosystems in which they live​

*How Far Will It Fly?-Students work to design and construct three different paper airplane types and compare to see which is the most aerodynamic​

*Create a Crayon-students will design a new color, develop a pitch to persuade others about what makes their color original.

*Hey Little Ant-students learn about ant species of Texas.  They will observe and document physical characteristics of ants, as well as the ant life cycle. (TPSP)

*Catching the Wind: Designing Windmills, students explore the forces of wind and weather and their many applications in engineering to create a windmill. (Engineering Is Elementary)

*A Long Way Down: Designing Parachutes, this unit involves students exploring the solar system and understanding how conditions on other planets affect the design of technology as it applies to parachutes. (Engineering Is Elementary)