Have a suggestion for VISD? Here’s your chance to have your voice be heard, and we’re all ears!
On February 20, Victoria ISD will be launching the VOICE Survey, a district-wide survey that is the result of a collaboration between all VISD departments and campuses.
At VISD, we believe that effective two-way communication is the lifeblood that builds trust and ownership in our community.
With this survey, we will be seeking and accepting feedback by collecting input from our district families and community on what programs and resources parents would like to see provided that could serve as a contributing factor to their child’s success.
In previous years, multiple surveys have been sent out by departments and campuses in the district. With the VOICE Survey, the goal is to streamline that process by combining everything into one cohesive survey that will serve as a one-stop shop for families to be able to provide input. We value your time, and we understand that surveys are time-consuming.
The information taken from the survey will be directly used in the planning for next year’s needs assessment and improvement plans. When we are thinking about planning for next year, we take all of this input that the families and the community have given us, and we use that to create pieces of our improvement plan.
Included in the survey will be the opportunity for interested parents/guardians to attend the district parent advisory meeting. Participants provide feedback, ask questions, and provide input and ideas to help strengthen the programs and services provided to students and families in VISD. The district uses feedback from this meeting to help develop our District Improvement Plan. During this meeting attendees also help to review and revise the parent and family engagement policy. If parents answer that they are interested, they will be contacted and given the opportunity to take part in a face-to-face parent advisory meeting where they can have their voices heard at an even deeper level.
Community partnerships and shared resources are foundational to creating a premier district. As primary partners, we believe in supporting families to instill the value of education and foundational life skills for students.
We’re all pieces in the puzzle of the child’s education. Working together, we can create a really powerful educational experience for our students, which is ultimately what we want.
The survey will be sent out on February 20 and will close on February 27.
If you only fill out one survey this year, this is the one. Take the time to let your voice be heard because it is time well spent. We look forward to hearing your VOICE!
Leigh Ann Lynch is the Director of State and Federal Programs in VISD.