Vicker's Elementary student have the opportunity to receive both Nine Weeks Awards and Yearly Awards. Find the descriptions below!
Nine Weeks Awards
Awards for each nine weeks are given in the classroom by the teacher who is presenting the award. Teachers will present their awards on the day that the report card goes home. Students are eligible to receive the following awards provided they meet the criteria:
Perfect Attendance (no absences)
A Honor Roll (All A’s on report card in all academic subject areas: Grades 1-5)
A/B Honor Roll (All A’s & B’s with at least one A on report card in all academic subject areas: Grades 1-5)
Principal’s Gold Ribbon (All A’s, A in conduct, No absences, No tardies, No office referrals: Grades 1-5)
Top Lion (Meeting all learning expectations: Kindergarten)
Academic Lion (Meeting most learning expectations: Kindergarten)
“On a Roll” Academic Improvement (improved from last 9-wks)
Citizenship (A in conduct: Grades 1-5; 5 or less sad faces: Kindergarten)
End of the Year
The End-of-Year awards will be given at the awards ceremony at the end of the school year.
Perfect Attendance (medal: no absences all school-year)
A Honor Roll (medal: end-of-year averages)
A/B Honor Roll (certificate: end-of-year averages)
Principal’s Gold Ribbon (trophy: earned PGR every 9-wks)
Top Lion (medal: Mastered all learning expectations: Kindergarten)
Academic Lion (certificate: Mastered most learning expectations: Kindergarten)
“On a Roll” Academic Improvement (certificate)
Personal Best (certificate)
Citizenship (certificate: earned Citizenship ribbon every 9-wks)
Master Musician (ribbon: given to 2 students per class by music teacher for participation, and conduct)
Art Award (ribbon: given to 2 students per class by art teacher for participation, and conduct)
Computer Whiz (ribbon: given to 2 students per class by computer teacher for participation, and conduct)
PE All Star (ribbon: given to 1 student per class for good sportsmanship, participation, and conduct)
Top PE Boy/Girl (medal: given to 1 boy and 1 girl in 5th grade for good sportsmanship, participation, and conduct)
Pre-K Completion (certificate)
Kindergarten Completion (certificate)
Fifth Grade Completion (certificate)
ELAR Award (certificate: highest end of year average in class)
Math Award (certificate: highest end of year average in class)
Science Award (certificate: highest end of year average in class)
Social Studies Award (certificate: highest end of year average in class)
PAW Power Reading Award (ribbon: read 50 or more books during school year: K-2)
Top AR Points in Class (medal)
Top AR Points in Grade-Level (trophy)
Top AR Points at Vickers (trophy)