Alissa Cano (left), Debbie Webb (middle), & D'Laci Albrecht (right)

Our Wonderful Kindergarten Team!
We are so excited to be the Kindergarten Team at Vickers and blessed to have your child in our grade level!
Welcome to Vickers! Go Lions!
Attendance: Attendance is very important at Vickers!! Please make it a priority to have your child at school each day so that our class can win a popcorn party!! Each day our class has perfect attendance we earn a "letter". Once the phrase Perfect Attendance is spelled out (17 days of perfect attendance) we will earn a popcorn party.
Calendar: Please refer to the monthly calendar in your child's take home folder for important information such as: Upcoming Events and Conduct Grade.
Each Friday, please sign your child's calendar under their conduct grade acknowledging that you have seen their conduct grade for the week. If your signature is not under your child's conduct grade by the following Friday, your child will receive a -5 for PS (parent signature)
Daily Take Home Folder: Please check your child's take home folder daily (Monday-Friday). Your child must bring their Take Home Folder back to school each day. Failure to have their daily take home folder will result in the loss of a sticker or potentially -5 in conduct points for not being responsible.
Dismissal: If your child's mode of transportation changes, please send a note in the clear communication pocket of your child's folder. In addition to the note, please call the school and let the office know that your child will be taking a different form of transportation home on that particular day.
Field Trips (policies depend on COVID-19 restrictions): Please have your child wear their Vickers T shirt to all field trips. If they do not have a Vickers shirt, please send them in a black shirt. Parents are welcome to come on all of our field trip's with Kinder, but are not allowed to ride on the school bus. An itinerary will go home for each field trip allowing you to know what time and where we will be if you would like to join.
Children are not allowed to leave with their parents from the field trip. You must have written permission from the principal prior to the field trip in order for your child to leave school early. *Please note, if your child does not return their permission slip on time indicating the type of lunch they will have for the day of the field trip, your child will automatically be charged for a sack lunch from the cafeteria.
Fun Friday: Each Friday all students who have a conduct grade of an "A" will be allowed to attend Fun Friday. Those students who receive a "B" or lower will not be allowed to go. Students who earn Fun Friday may bring an electronic to school, but the teacher and/or school is not responsible for the electronic device in any form or fashion. Electronic devices must also be charged prior to coming to school.
Graded Papers: All of your child's graded papers will be sent home each Monday. If there is a holiday on Monday, then your child's papers will be sent home on Tuesday. Each Monday after you review your child's graded papers with them, please make sure to sign the Conduct Page located in the very back of your child's folder. Please ONLY sign for the current week. If the Communication Page is not signed by the following Monday, your child will receive a -5 for PS (parent signature)
Home Work: Homework calendars will be placed in your child's Take Home Folder each month. Your child must have their reading log (Monday-Thursday) filled out by Friday of each week. In addition to the reading log, a parents initials should be on each square of the Homework Calendar to communicate with the teacher that the homework was completed. Homework that incomplete or is not turned in will result in a -5 on their calendar for each infraction.
Lunch Visitors (policies depend on COVID-1 restrictions): You are welcome to have lunch with your child in the cafeteria. Please make sure to sign in at the front office before proceeding to the cafeteria. Once in the cafeteria, please sit with your child at one of our Parent Tables. Parent's are not allowed to sit at the class table.
Money: Anytime you are asked to send money to school please do not hand loose money to your child, or place loose money in their backpack. There are several times throughout the year that students bring money to school for different reasons. Always place the money in either an envelope or plastic bag. Write your child's name and what the money is for on the outside of the envelop or baggie.
Snack: Please send one healthy snack and drink with your child each day for snack time. The following link has some great snack ideas!
Please remember that we have nut allergies in our classroom, so please do not send any type of snack that contains nuts. If your child loves peanut butter you may consider trying Sunbutter (made from sunflower send oil) or Wow Butter. Both are sold at HEB.
Please send your child's snack in it's OWN bag. Please do not combine snacks in with your child's lunch. This is difficult for some children to decipher between. If you do not have a snack bag for your child, please let me know and I will send home a gallon zip lock bag for your child to use.
Supplies: It is helpful if you bring all your child's school supplies to Sneak Peek. If you are unable to do this, please send your child's school supplies with them on the first day of school. To see a complete list of Kindergarten Supplies, please click the appropriate tab on the left hand column of the website.
Tardies: Students are allowed to begin walking to their classroom at 7:50am. The tardy bell rings at 8:00am. If your child arrives after 8:00am, please park and walk your child into the school to collect their tardy slip from the front office. If a student receives a tardy it will be marked on their calendar with a code of "TAR". This will result in a -5 and also will prevent the student from participating in Fun Friday. This is a school wide rule.