Our community has experienced fiber issues with the Victoria Area Network (VAN) on the north end of town which resulted in internet loss that began at approximately 11 a.m. on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. The outage resulted in an interruption to STAAR testing at Schorlemmer Elementary, Vickers Elementary, Cade Middle School, and Victoria West High School.
Repair companies are working to repair the break in the fiber line and are keeping our Technology Department informed.
When the internet has been reestablished, students who have not completed their assessments will be scheduled to resume their testing. We have confirmed the following information with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the testing vendor:
All previously submitted answers are automatically saved.
Students will be able to access any unanswered questions.
Students will not be able to change any previously selected answers but they will be able to view them.
TEA has been contacted regarding the fiber break and is working with the district.
We understand that this interruption to testing is not ideal, but we know that VISD students are resilient and capable of overcoming this challenge. We appreciate your patience and partnership as we continue to encourage our students to do their best.
Parents/guardians of impacted students will receive an email through the VISD notification system. The District will provide updates on the situation at www.VISD.net.