Who We Are
Victoria East chapter of Quill and Scroll
Quill and Scroll is an International Honorary Society for High School Journalists was organized April 10, 1926, at the University of Iowa by renowned pollster George H. Gallup and a group of high school advisers for the purpose of encouraging and recognizing individual student achievement in journalism and academics. The organization has a Board of Trustees.
To Become a Member of the East Chapter:
Student must be of junior or senior classification. Student must have the equivalent of a B grade average, or be in the upper third of their class in general scholastic standing, either for the year of their election or for the cumulative total of all high school work.
They must have done superior work in some phase of journalism or school media. They may be staff member of newspaper, yearbook, or broadcast news organizations.
They must be recommended by the adviser or by the committee governing the media.
They must be approved by the Quill and Scroll Executive Director.
Upon induction into Quill a& Scroll members will receive member pins and receive a news letter. All members are eligible to compete in Quill & Scroll sponsored competitions. (writing, designing, photography)
Senior members will receive honor cords at graduation and are eligible to apply for Q&S scholarships from the International headquarters. East Q&S members are eligible to apply for a of $500 given by the East chapter. The number of scholarships given annually is determined by funds raised during the year.
For more information see Q&S Adviser Jimmie L. Bellah in B-102.