Ballet Folklorico
Ballet Folklorico is taught at VEHS Feeder campuses Howell Middle School and Stroman Middle School.
See information for middle school campuses below.

Mrs. Elsa Pina
Elsa Piña
Victoria East HS: 361-788-2820 Ext. 38163
Stroman MS: 361-578-2711
Howell MS: 361-578-1561 Ext. 31302
Conference Period: 12:38-1:28 pm
Tutorials: Non-Applicable due to schedule
Daily Schedule
1st Period: Victoria East HS Color Guard/Winterguard Co-Teach
2nd Period: VEHS Dance Foundations 1-4 Co-Teach
3rd Period: Victoria East HS Ballet Folklorico (Travel after class)
4th Period: Stroman Middle School Foundations of Dance
5th Period: Lunch, Travel, Conference
6th Period: Howell Middle School Foundations of Dance
7th Period: Travel to scheduled campus for After School Folklorico