In a spirited effort to boost school attendance and emphasize the importance of being on time, Schorlemmer Elementary recently launched an innovative attendance challenge. The initiative aims to improve attendance rates and instill a sense of commitment and responsibility among students.
The “No More Than 3” initiative encourages students to be on time, limiting their absences, tardies, and early checkouts to only three throughout the month.
The reward for students’ dedication was an exciting West Warrior Autograph Party, bringing Victoria West High School excitement to Schorlemmer Elementary. The Schorlemmer Bears, who met the challenge, had the opportunity to meet West Warriors, who were involved in football, baseball, soccer, cheer, the Band of Warriors, basketball, wrestling, and more. Meeting these role models gave the Bears a powerful glimpse into their potential future educational journeys.
“The Schorlemmer Bears were thrilled to meet these role models and catch a glimpse of what their futures could hold,” said Schorlemmer Elementary Principal Elizabeth Chandler. “The event energized our students, building pride and reinforcing the VALUE of consistent attendance.”
The challenge proved to be more than just fun; it also provided great results. Eighty-four percent of students met the “No More Than 3” goal, and the initial attendance goal of 95% was surpassed, with students achieving a 96% attendance rate for October. This remarkable achievement not only reflects the student’s dedication but also showcases the challenge’s effectiveness in promoting a culture of attendance within our school community.
Schorlemmer Elementary also extends gratitude to Dr. Tonya Patterson, Victoria West High School principal, and the dedicated coaches and sponsors who enthusiastically participated and made the event possible.
“Their support underscored the collaborative spirit between our schools,” said Chandler, “and highlighted the belief that it truly takes a village to foster student success.”