Dear Schorlemmer Families,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year at Schorlemmer Elementary! I hope your summer was filled with fun and that you are looking forward to the upcoming year.
PTO stands for “Parent/Teacher Organization”. Our group truly is a collaboration of Schorlemmer parents, administration, teachers and staff dedicated to providing support to our school. The work done through the PTO enhances the learning experience of every student at the school. We at Schorlemmer are lucky to have wonderful teachers and staff dedicated to guiding our children through their elementary school experience. One of Schorlemmer’s great strengths is our staff.
So, how can you make a difference and get involved? Here are a few easy ways:
Volunteer- For the PTO to be effective and truly representative of the school, participation is essential. Many parents feel that they cannot participate in the PTO because they cannot come to meetings or be at school on a regular basis. Please don’t assume that there isn’t a role for you – there is! We want everyone to feel that they are part of the Schorlemmer Community. Whether you have 30 minutes a day or 30 minutes a month, your ideas, your time, and your talents are truly needed. We can match your time constraints and interests to the right committee.
Attend a PTO Meeting - We are hoping to see many new faces at these meetings. PTO meetings and events are a great way to get to know other parents, find out what is happening at our school, and make a difference in your child’s education. PTO meets the second Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am in the cafeteria.
Fundraising – The PTO holds two fundraisers during the year that fund all of our efforts.
Our fall fundraiser, the Fun Run.
Our spring fundraiser, Schorlemmer Spectacular.
We look forward to working with you this year as we do our best to make a positive difference for our children, the staff, and our school. Please contact us anytime with questions.
Melanie Williams, President
Important Dates:
October 25: Fun Run Kick-Off
November 15: Epic Inflatable Obstacle Course Fun Run
Meeting Minutes: