On March 28, 2023, the Victoria ISD Office of Innovation recognized Choice School teachers for their completion of the VISD STEM and Personalized Learning Trainer program.
The VISD STEM and Personalized Learning Trainer program is a program designed to allow Choice School teachers to explore their genius and expand their skill set as leaders on their home campus. Through the course of the program, participants learn more about instructional strategies, technology integration in the classroom, adult education practices, and optimizing data and resources to create unique and individualized learning for students.
The teachers were nominated by their campus and successfully completed 22 hours of training on their campus instructional models and facilitation of professional learning for other staff members. The teacher trainers have also successfully developed learning modules that will help provide student resources and guide their peers on classroom strategies.
Congratulations to these Choice School teachers. We are #VISDProud that you are a part of #TeamVISD.
Smith STEM Academy
Chloe Shoemake
Alanah Diebel
Erin Mills
Hopkins Elementary
Sara Balli
Shields Elementary
Jo Ann Winston
Patti Welder Middle School
Kristin Hiles
STEM Middle School
Tammie Tipton