VISD Fine Arts Center
Our Mission:
To Provide ALL Students in VISD the Learning Opportunity for Creative Artistic Expression, Self-Confidence, Leadership Skills, Collaboration Skills, and Performance Excellence, Through an Innovative Fine Arts Curriculum that Supports Their Family, the District, and Community of Victoria.
Our Programs:
Our Fine Arts courses offer many benefits that are indispensable and integral components of a balanced curriculum in VISD. Thousands of VISD students have completed high school with experiences that have enriched their lives through the study of the arts. We believe that all students deserve a well-balanced education which includes quality Fine Arts instruction in all our schools. Fine Arts changes lives!
Current Programs:
Dance | Drill Team | Ballet Folklorico
Elementary Music
Guitar | Mariachi
Visual Art
Victoria Fine Arts Center Staff

Chris Caddel
Victoria Fine Arts Center | Building Manager
Phone: 361-788-9335 ext. 36106
Fax: 361-788-2877

Annette Karm
Victoria Fine Arts | Secretary
Phone: 361-788-9335 ext. 36101
Fax: 361-788-2877