School Matters O'Connor Elementary

Every student matters. Every moment counts.  

 This is the mission of O’Connor ACE Elementary School, and the staff and students at O’Connor ACE Elementary live the mission every day.  

 We are so proud of the progress and hard work of O’Connor ACE Elementary, earning an overall score of a B on the 2022 Accountability rating, up from a D in the 2019 school year.  

 O’Connor ACE Elementary increased its score on student progress by a whopping 28 points.  

“Our entire campus had been strategic in its efforts for campus improvement,” shares Principal Ericka Barr. “Administrators, staff, and teachers are beyond excited to celebrate all students' growth, success, and achievements of all students. Our frog family's dedication to each student has exemplified the core values of O’Connor ACE. We are FROG PROUD!” 

 So, what is an ACE campus? 

 ACE stands for Accelerating Campus Excellence. O'Connor Elementary was designated an ACE campus to begin in the 2020-21 school year. 

This innovative program accelerates instructional excellence through the implementation of five key values:  

  • effective principals and teachers,  

  • instructional excellence,  

  • extended school day,  

  • positive school culture, and  

  • parent and community partnerships.  

But at its core, O’Connor ACE Elementary is a campus that puts immense value in the act of reflecting.  We spend a lot of time “reflecting BACK” on student and staff outcomes.  And we look ahead to discover the power of the moment.  Most importantly, we take away learned lessons and opportunities to grow from our reflection on the past, but we do not stop there.  Instead, we shine a light on the path ahead and “reflect FORWARD in the moment to ensure that we are reflections of our purpose: Every Student Matters. Every Moment Counts.  

 Our staff brings passion and energy to the O’Connor ACE school community in our lofty expectations for success.   Our greatest accomplishment will be the work we do together to achieve academic, social, and emotional growth following the ACE model. At O’Connor ACE, we aim to inspire and challenge ourselves, our peers, our scholars, and our families with engaging experiences in and out of the classroom, preparing them for their &. We provide our scholars with opportunities to confidently grow, learn and reach their full potential and change the story for the scholars who will walk through the front doors of our school. 

 Staff at O’Connor ACE Elementary have been engaged in intensive and reflective learning to provide excellent instruction. Instructional excellence is a priority to ensure all students achieve unprecedented student outcomes.  

 Walking through the doors of O’Connor, you can instantly see that these Frogs are a family!  

 Staff and students at O’Connor have created a learning community that ensures every student has the skills, abilities, and character to succeed by focusing on O’Connor ACE core values:  

  • Fearless,  
  • Resilient,  

  • Open-Minded,  

  • Goal-Focused  

  • Scholars. 

What is it like attending an ACE campus? 

 At O’Connor ACE Elementary, students attend class 30 minutes longer than in other schools in VISD. The instructional day begins 15 minutes earlier and ends 15 minutes later than on other VISD elementary campuses. During that time, students receive additional instruction in reading and math to ensure the development and mastery of key foundational skills. Additionally, students have the opportunity to engage in enriching activities until 6 p.m., including an evening meal, at no cost to students and their families.  

 Our students proudly wear our school colors in an O’Connor ACE green polo shirt that reflects the school community, unity, and a frog family.  

 Through an amazing grant from the Y.M.C.A., O’Connor is able to offer 60 students the ability to attend the Y.M.C.A.’s after-school enrichment program helping the district's efforts of living the finding of Community Partnerships in the District Strategic Plan. Community partnerships and shared resources are foundational to creating a premier district.  

 â€śOur students and staff are committed to learning - students know their goals, track their goals, and strive to improve every day,” says Instructional Coach Jamie Chavez. “We work to create opportunities for teachers to collaborate on instruction and instructional practices, allowing them to perfect their craft. Teachers make learning fun which sets a solid foundation for student success. ” 

 Every member of the O’Connor frog family is a scholar, and scholars thrive on learning and growing.  

 Congratulations to O’Connor ACE Elementary for progress and growth! 

 Ericka Barr is the Principal at O’Connor ACE Elementary.