Digital Resources

STEM Library Catalog

The Digital Resources below are accessible through Clever:


Teaching Books

Britannica School

Gale in Context Middle School

Welcome to STEM Middle School Library

My name is Lana Snow and I am the Librarian at STEM Middle School. This is my 5th year as a librarian and 19th year as an educator for the Victoria Independent School District. I hold a BA in Communications from the University of Houston - Victoria, a 4 - 8 Generalist Teacher Certification through Region 3, and a Master's of Library Science from Sam Houston State University.

Mrs. Snow's Hobbies: I love reading, buying books, more reading, and spending time with my family and my furbabies!

The STEM library is open before school for students to enjoy a relaxing quiet space, check out books, and read. Students are able to check out two books at a time and are scheduled to come to the library every other week through their RLA class. Students may renew a book once, extending their check period by two weeks.

We do not charge fines for books turned in late. However, the cost for books that are lost or damaged will be assessed and the student will be responsible for covering that expense. Fines for lost or damaged books remain on a students record through high school and may impact their ability to get their diploma. Please remind your student to return their library books in a timely manner.

Contact Information:


361-578-2711 ext. 35406

Technology Information

Computer Login:
Username    (first initial last initial student ID) Example:
Password     (first initial last initial–last4socialV)  Example: ms-1234V

To access Student Email and Clever, use the same login as the Computer Login.

Having issues with your Chromebook?

Please contact our technology helpline at 361-788-2818.

My School Bucks: Chromebook Insurance and Payments

Chromebook insurance is available for the 2024 - 25 school year.

Click here for MySchoolBucks

**When going to the MySchoolBucks website for the first time, you will need to create an account.