Sharon Moore, 6th Grade Social Studies
Course Description
Sixth Grade Social Studies is a survey course that covers all regions of the world. Each unit delves into the political, economic, geographic and cultural aspects of these world regions.
My goal is to cover all the district and state objectives and at the same time to convey to students an appreciation of the importance of world studies, including important historical events, especially exploration and colonization, and see how they shaped the world we live in today. We will also examine the unique geographical elements of each region and how these influence the way people live, work and raise their families. Sixth grade Social Studies will be an interesting and insightful look at the past and the present.
This class is designed to cover the TEKS-related materials, as well as the VISD standards for 6th grade social studies.
Supplies - Students are expected to have a pencil bag or box full of supplies in class every day.
2-3 pencils - We do not use pens in social studies class (except red for grading).
one hand-held pencil sharpener
one medium or large eraser
one small bottle of Elmer’s glue (no glue sticks please)
one pair of children or student scissors
1-2 highlighters – any color
one box of map colors – 12 or 24 count
one red pen for grading
one 6” ruler that fits into the pencil bag (optional)
Grading Policy
Daily grades and quizzes will count 50% in the gradebook. Tests and projects will also count 50%. You will not have homework every day but any work not finished during class should be done at home. Grades are posted in a timely manner for students/parents to monitor in VISD Gradebook.
Tutorials: Tutoring will be available in the afternoon 3:50-4:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Homework help is also available in Wildcat Time.
Make-Up Work
In order to be successful in any course, you must come to class. I do realize, however, that doctor’s appointments, illnesses, and other situations arise that keep you from coming to school. It is your job to follow the class procedures for make-up work and find out what you missed and get the assignments. You have as many days to make up the work as you were absent. If you are absent two days, you have two days to get the work done. If you are absent on a test day, you will take the test when you return. If you come to class without an assignment, you will be given a zero. You can bring the assignment to me later that day or the next day, but the zero will remain until the work is submitted. After the make-up work has been graded, the zero will be replaced with the new grade. Make-up work due to an absence will not receive a zero in the gradebook until after the prescribed number of days have passed in which to do it. Late projects will have points deducted for each day.
*Subject to changes in district make-up work policy.
Parents, if you have any questions throughout the year, please email me at or call the school and leave a message.
About Ms. Moore:
I have more than 35 years of experience in education, including high school English Language Arts and middle school Social Studies. I have a Bachelor's Degree in English from the University of Texas and a Master's Degree in English/History from the University of Houston.