Welcome to Howell MS Library!
My name is Laurie Kolle. As librarian and caretaker of the Howell Library, I have the pleasure of hosting several programs, empowering love of reading, as well as stimulating the campus vibe by creating a ‘hub’ for the students and staff!
I have been in Victoria all my life. I live in the country and enjoy hunting, fishing, sewing, cooking, and READING! While I have always been around education, I have worked in the Victoria I.S.D. for more than a decade. Before joining Howell Middle School, I served in several positions at Admin Bldg., taught Sixth Grade ELAR at Stroman Middle School, and served as Library Media Specialist at Hopkins Elementary. I hold a Bachelor of Arts and Applied Science in Communication from the University of Houston-Victoria, a Texas Teachers Teaching Certificate, and a Master of Library Science and Information Technology from the University of North Texas.
At Howell Middle School, ELAR classes visit the library for approximately 45 minutes, every other week. We work on a short lesson exploring novels and authors, and develop skills in literacy, library use, citing work and digital citizenship. We will also promote experiences in technology by utilizing Apps to complete curriculum-rich lessons.
Students are allowed to check out two books for two weeks. **Please be mindful about lost or damaged book fines, as this affects a student’s ability to check out in our library.
The Library hosts Wildcat Time on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday till 4:30 for additional tutoring, make-up work, and make-up tests.
It’s a pleasure to serve the students, staff, and Howell community, go Wildcats!