Karen Matak
Karen Matak, 7th Grade
CTE-T.S.D.E. (Touch Systems Data Entry)
Welcome to7th TSDE!
Having the appropriate supplies is essential to efficient learning. Please make sure that your child is equipped with the following supplies and periodically check to see if they need to be replenished.
1 -100 page composition book
1 poly (plastic) pocket folder w/brads
1 set of earbuds
Grading Policy:
In accordance with the District's grading policy, a student's grade will be determined as follows:
60% - Formative Grades (homework, classwork, warm ups,...)
40% - Summative Grades (tests, quizzes, major projects,...)
10 points will be deducted for each day an assignment is turned in late up to three days. After the third day, a zero will be earned.
A failed assignment may be retaken/corrected one time for a maximum grade of a 70 within five days of receiving the grade.
Parent Gradebook:
It is highly encouraged that parents actively monitor student grades through Parent Gradebook. Visit the VISD homepage to locate how to register an account.
Absences/Make-Up Work:
It is the student's responsibility to obtain, complete, and turn in any work that has been missed due to being absent. If a student is expected to be out for 3 or more days, please contact the office to request work. The student will have the number of days absent to make up the work missed. If a student knows they will be out, please ask for the work in advance.
Wildcat Time:
Wildcat Time is available in the Library on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday until 4:30 for makeup work and help with assignments.