Pedro Pardo - Theater Arts
About me:
I have a bachelors degree in Communication from The University of Texas @ Austin. I also have a bachelors degree in Government from the same University. I am the first in my immediate family to have completed college and am proud to have been a Victoria College Pirate and Stroman Raider, right here in Victoria.
I have worked in radio, sales, government, and the entertainment industry. For 20 years I did the grind of corporate America and am so thankful to have found my way to teaching.
I am so grateful to have this opportunity to teach your wonderful children about something that has meant so much to me in my life and given me so much confidence! Theatre is a wonderful gift and I look forward to teaching your student about Theatre and all it can do in their life!
"The most important thing in acting is honesty."
Please feel to contact me at pedro.pardo@visd.net