Welcome to Mrs. Raab Second Grade Class
Teacher Biography
Hello! Iam Renee Raab and I am teaching Math and Science. I have been teaching for several years in Victoria. I have a love for children and enjoy teaching and helping them succeed.
Classroom Information
Second Grade Schedule
8:00-8:15 SEL
8:25-9:00 PE
9:00-9:35 Block
M-music T-comp. Lab W-Art Th-Library/Guidance F-music
Durham- M-Library/Guidance T-Music W-Computer Th- Art F- rotate
9:35-10:05 Intervention
10:05-10:20 Refinement
10:20-10:50 Math
10:50-11:15 Math small group
11:15-11:35 Brain break/RR break
11:35-12:10 Science
12:10-12:40 Lunch
12:45-1:00 Math Refinement
1:00-1:30 Math
1:30-2:00 Math small group
2:00-2:20 Brain Break/RR break
2:20-3:10 Science
3:10-3:15 Return/Pack up/Dismissal